The Crisis of Modernity and the Climate Crisis Modernity confronts us with many dilemmas. Man must answer challenges, and not only those for which his teachers in his educational-upbringing process prepared him, but also totally new and different problems that life places before us. And it has always been so. Still, sociologists, pedagogues and culturologists […]
Read MoreThe Bishops Declaration on Climate Change – Full Text
A Moral and Spiritual Challenge May 23, 2007 The following statement, “Global Climate Change: A Moral and Spiritual Challenge,” was adopted by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) at their May 23, 2007 session at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in Crestwood, NY. The document conveys a theological understanding of the role […]
Read MoreOrthodox Statements on Global Climate Change
Stewards of Creation We are all called to be sensitive to the greatest risk to the survival of our planet — namely, the dramatic changes in our climate and in our environment. Orthodox Christians understand the meaning of being stewards — oikonomoi — and we reach out to you, to work together with all the […]
Read MoreMyths and False Narratives about Global Climate Change

The Major Objections from Climate Deniers by OFT, Saint Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox parish The Orthodox Church has been warning its members about climate change for over thirty years. Beginning with HAH Patriarch +Dimitrios in 1989, the Church has been concerned about this issue because of the moral, ethical and spiritual principles which mandate taking […]
Read MoreAddress by his holiness Pope Francis to the executives of the oil and gas industry
Clementine HallVatican City, RomeSaturday, June 9, 2018 Distinguished Executives, Investors and Experts, Ladies and Gentlemen, I offer you a warm welcome at the conclusion of your Conference on “Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home” held here in the Vatican. It is a very positive sign that you, as men and women in a […]
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