Practical Ideas for Living in a Way that Acknowledges God’s Generosity in your parish. Download the guide by clicking here.
Read MoreWelcome to the Face of God Film Website

“The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) Dear Honored Hierarchs, Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome to this new website, sponsored by the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration (OFT), which is dedicated to fostering awareness among Orthodox Christians and, indeed, all people of faith and […]
Read MoreSix Guidelines to Address Climate Change-with helpful links

What You Can Do to Moderate Climate Change? Orthodox Guidances for home, church, on the road and outdoors By the OFT Below please find six different perspectives on lifestyle solutions and changes for Orthodox Christian parishes and families. These are important because without reflection on our theology and direction, a vision of the future is […]
Read MoreTopics for parish study groups to explore:

Why is climate change a religious and spiritual issue? Background: See how the Orthodox patriarchs address this question. What is the Orthodox Theology of Creation? How does this address ecological issues, especially climate change? The Crisis – What are the causes of the climate crisis? What are the consequences? The Science of Climate Change How […]
Read MoreStudy Group Principles and Protocol: Quick Thoughts

Study groups need preparation.To start, you need to select a topic. Next publicize that topic.Climate change is not a small simple issue.It is enormous in its implications and consequences for human life on earth. To begin three things are necessary. Prayer. Protocol and Preparation.Prayer invokes blessing and inspiration upon your program.Protocol establishes a format and […]
Read MoreThe Orthodox Bishops Provide Ten Guidances to Address Climate Change

The following ten points are extracted from the May 23, 2007 statement, “Global Climate Change: A Moral and Spiritual Challenge,” which was adopted by the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) at their Spring Session held at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in Crestwood, NY. The document was prepared by the SCOBA […]
Read MoreEffective Climate Actions

Climate change represents an unprecedented human emergency. Unlike past threats that humans have faced, this one is irreversible on a time scale of thousands of years. In the past invaders might attack a society, but only those involved might suffer. Our present addiction to fossil fuels will impact the entire inhabited world. If we continue […]
Read MoreBeginning Ecological Practices for Orthodox Christians

The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration Saint James, the Apostle, tells us, “Faith without works is dead.” The ecological dimensions of our faith require earth healing actions as much as proper interactions with our neighbors. The following is a beginning list of recommended reflections and actions which Orthodox Christians can strive to engage. As a […]
Read MoreCultivating a Healthy Inner Ecology

Saint Seraphim of Sarov parish Acquiring Ascetic Eyes and Appreciation for the Natural World by Rachel Dovey and Franchesca Duval Introduction As Orthodox Christians we are accustomed to periods of fasting, reflection and prayer. The Lenten journey prepares us to fully enter into the joy of Pascha! This guide is inspired by that period of […]
Read MoreKey Principles for Care of God’s Creation

For further reflection, here are several key principles to help you grasp key insights which inform a Orthodox Christian care for creation. These are not comprehensive, but additional steps toward a beginning care for God’s creation. They outline additional guidelines for a right Christian relationship to creation. 1. Honor the Creator How do we honor […]
Read MoreMyths and False Narratives about Global Climate Change
The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration The Major Objections from Climate Deniers The Orthodox Church has been warning its members about climate change for over thirty years. Beginning with HAH Patriarch +Dimitrios in 1989, the Church has been concerned about this issue because of the moral, ethical and spiritual principles which mandate taking good care […]
Read MoreThe Goals and Spiritual Principles of the Film
The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration During preparation for the production of this film, the OFT steering committee established a series of goals and principles which the film should embrace. These were developed over three years of discussions and examination of the issues facing the Orthodox Church and all humanity. This film seeks to represent […]
Read MoreStudentship
Essay by Fr. Michael Monachos “Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not’” (Gen 28:16). A certain parish received a new priest. This priest told the people, “The only thing I expect is that you each maintain the fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, […]
Read MoreBooks and Websites for Further Study
On Earth as in Heaven: Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought) by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Author), John Chryssavgis (Editor). Over the past two decades, the world has witnessed alarming environmental degradation―climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution of natural resources ―together with a failure to implement environmental policies and a widening gap […]
Read MoreFighting Climate Change in America Means Changes to America
SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science WriterJanuary 30, 2021 Climate isn’t the only thing changing. What comes next in the nation’s struggle to combat global warming will probably transform how Americans drive, where they get their power and other bits of day-to-day life, both quietly and obviously, experts say. So far the greening of America has been […]
Read MorePlant-based Diets Crucial to Saving Global Wildlife
Vicious circle of cheap but damaging food is biggest destroyer of nature, says UN-backed report Damian Carrington, Environment editor February 3, 2021 The global food system is the biggest driver of destruction of the natural world, and a shift to predominantly plant-based diets is crucial in halting the damage, according to a report. Agriculture is […]
Read MoreThe Danger of Social Media Manipulated By and Through Artificial Intelligence
Be careful. A new societal danger is emerging because of the proliferation of social media. These comments are only a quick introduction to a much larger problem. The designers of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, Quora, Reddit, TikToc and other forms of social media originally thought that they were developing something useful and […]
Read MoreSafeguarding the Creation for Future Generations
The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration by HE Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia IT IS IMPERATIVE that we people of the Earth declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations. In all our ecological endeavors, we are called to keep in view, not only ourselves and our immediate needs, […]
Read MoreA Sustainable Environment: Our Obligation to Protect God’s Gift
by Dr. George P. Nassos, Saint Peter and Paul Parish Glenview, Illinois To Reduce Carbon Emissions, Every Little Bit Helps Year 2020 has been reported to be the warmest year ever recorded, and the past five years have all been the warmest on record. There is no question that this is due to the continuing […]
Read MoreAn Appeal to the Church from Orthodox Young Adults
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship and Orthodox young people from across America Sanctity of Life Sunday January 22, 2016 Your Eminences and Graces, Glory to Jesus Christ! As Orthodox young adults, please know we are worried about the future. We are especially concerned about global climate change and the changes that is already bringing to our […]
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